1919 This internationally known occult author gives much information on the Elder Brothers in this volume. Contents: This World’s Place in the Universe; Future Life and Lives (Reincarnation); Religion Under Repair; The Occultism in Tennyson’s Poetry; Creeds More or Less Credible; Imprisoned in the Five Senses; Our Visits to This World; The Masters and Their Methods of Instruction; Expanded Theosophical Knowledge (Nature of Consciousness, Planetary Chain, Astral World, Infinite Future); The Pyramids and Stonehenge; Theosophical Teachings Liable to Be Misunderstood; The Super-Physical Laws of Nature; The Higher Occultism; The Objects of the Theosophical Society; The borderland of Science; Astronomy; Overt and Occult; Meta-Science; Archaeology (Relics Of Antiquity); Cataclysms and Earthquakes; Poetry & Theosophy.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
The Philosophical Research Society is a nonprofit organization founded in 1934 for the purpose of assisting thoughtful persons to live more graciously and constructively in a confused and troubled world. The Society is entirely free from educational, political, or ecclesiastical control. Dedicated to an idealistic approach to the solution of human problems, the Society's program stresses the need for the integration of religion, philosophy, and the science of psychology into one system of instruction. The goal of this instruction is to enable the individual to develop a mature philosophy of life, to recognize his proper responsibilities and opportunities, and to understand and appreciate his place in the unfolding universal pattern.
Manly P. Hall was the founder of the Philosophical Research Society. In over seventy-five years of dynamic public activity, he delivered more than 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, and authored countless books, essays, and articles. In his lectures and writings, Manly Hall always emphasized the practical aspects of philosophy and religion as they applied to daily living. He restated for modern man those spiritual and ethical doctrines which have given humanity its noblest ideals and most adequate codes of conduct. Believing that philosophy is a working tool to help the individual in building a solid foundation for his dreams and purposes, Manly Hall steadfastly sought recognition of the belief that world civilization can be perfected only when human beings meet on a common ground of intelligence, cooperation, and worthy purpose.
Monday, January 16, 2023
No dead links anymore, you can download now all posted e-books.
BEYOND THE OCCULT - Twenty Years Research into the Paranormal by Colin Wilson - E-book
Colin Wilson has explored the paranormal universe ever since he researched his first highly successful work, The Occult: "the most interesting, informative and thought-provoking book on the subject."* Now, 20 years later, he offers an even wider examination of the mystical and paranormal. And what he has produced is amazing—a thoroughly convincing general theory of the occult. Wilson powerfully posits that our so-called "normal" experience may in fact be subnormal, and that evolution has brought us near the edge of a quantum leap into a hugely expanded human consciousness. Combining fascinating glimpses into the paranormal world with the latest scientific thinking on the nature of "physical reality," he reveals the usually unseen powers of the human mind and discusses why he has become convinced that disembodied spirits do exist.
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